Sunday 7 January 2007

Tween Marketing Subverted: Designing a Media-Rich Omnimedia Sanctuary for Girls

Is currently the most accurate map for my six year hike through a Practise-based Design Research project wilderness. Please read on, and feel free to drop supplies along the route...


Unknown said...

Looking forward to it. BTW would you care to define omnimedia?

Unknown said...

Don't worry as I think you suggest it in your next post-you are crossing print and web media.

Kell said...

The dictionary definition of Omnimedia is "a combination of media, a company with interests in various forms of mass communication".

Obviously I'm not a company, nor an omnimedai empire (Martha Stewart is though, for example), but I do plan to utilise more than one form of media in my generationsal phase. I think it likely that those forms may include web, a book and a few more lateral media concepts, such as a printed newsletter, or comic. I can't state as unmovable fact that I will be dealing with medium A, B, or C at this stage, because I know that the research needs to be the guiding force in getting me to the generational stage with clarity and fidelity.

In my case, do I get to quote Marshall McLuhan in reverse and say the message is the medium? Perhaps it is all the same, but I'll be workign towards an understanding of the most effective and evocative media opportunities when I do research within my demographic.